Ways to Help
There are many ways you can have an impact on the lives changed at Big Oak. Please choose the option that works best for you, and know that we appreciate your support – no matter how or where you choose to give.

Choose a path.
Make a difference.
Daily Prayer
Daily prayer is a true source of power, with the ability to effect positive changes in our children’s lives. We humbly ask for you to pray daily for our staff and children.
“This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us.”
— 1 John 5:14

Critical Support for Daily Necessities
Every gift matters. Gifts of $25, $50, $100 on a monthly basis help cover the costs of raising a child at the Ranch. These gifts provide clothing, food, education, medical care and much more throughout the year. You can write a check each month or set up an automatic payment through your bank.
Memorial/Honorarium Program
The Memorial Program allows you to honor a deceased loved one. The Honorarium Program allows you to celebrate special friends or relatives on occasions such as birthdays, anniversaries or holidays. In each case, we will send an appropriate letter acknowledging your gift.
If you have questions about our Memorial/Honorarium Program, please call the Business Office at (256) 892-0773, ext. 1313, or email Mary Hutto at mhutto@bigoak.org.

Big 12 Club Membership
Sponsor a child. Invest in their future.
You can have a tremendous impact on the life of one of our children by participating in the Big 12 Club. Members of the Big 12 Club make an annual pledge of $12,000 to cover the cost of raising one of our children for one full year and ensure that our children have the essentials they need.
In-Kind Donations
As a professional, you can provide tremendous help to our children through in-kind donations of your skills and expertise. Donations of in-kind services by doctors, dentists, lawyers and other professionals are tax-deductible, but more importantly, they make a huge difference in the quality of our children’s lives.
If you are a professional who would like to donate your services, contact: email Robin O’Leary, or call (205) 467-6226, ext. 1226.

Volunteer Resource Families
Each month, our Houseparents get one weekend away beginning on Friday and ending on Sunday evening. They use this time to regroup and recharge, so they can best serve our children.
While our parents are away, we pair each of their children with a family. We call these extraordinary people the child’s Resource Family.
If you would like more information about becoming a Resource Family, please call Robin O’Leary at (205) 467-6226, ext. 1226 or email at roleary@bigoak.org.
Guidance into adulthood
One of the core promises we make to each child who lives at the Ranch is, “We’ll stick with you until you are grown.” ASCEND is one way we keep that promise, as we provide life skills training for our 18-22-year olds. This training sits alongside a fully paid college education or skilled trade certification. Through ASCEND, our young adults learn to transform the dependent habits learned on the Ranch into independent habits necessary for adult life.

Multiplying our impact across the country
There are more than 3.5 million children in this country in need of critical intervention because of abuse, neglect or abandonment. We help those children by resourcing and equipping like-minded individuals and ministries as they establish Christian homes for children in need of a chance.

Endowment Support
Our long-range plan is to have our already established endowment as a source of perpetual support, thus ensuring the future of our children and the children who will some day call Big Oak Ranch home. For information about our endowment, please call the Business Office at (256) 892-0773, ext. 1313, or email Mary Hutto at mhutto@bigoak.org.
Ways to Help
With your help, we can make sure that every young person gets the right support to succeed in school, in work and in life.
Corporate Matching
Many companies support their employees’ charitable giving by matching their donations.
And yet, a recent story on CBS News says that as much as $7 billion goes unused each year.

If you give to Big Oak Ranch, check to see if your employer has a matching gift program by contacting your HR department. HR can usually inform you on whether or not your employer has a matching gift program and what steps will need to be taken to apply for the matching gift. In most instances this is filling out an online request.
The request might require Big Oak Ranch’s tax ID number which is 23-7413017. Once you have completed the form, your submittal will be sent to Big Oak Ranch to verify that the gift was received. Once verified by Big Oak, your employer will process their matching donation.
Please join us by checking on corporate matching gift opportunities with your employer as your gifts could have double or triple the impact as we work together to relieve the suffering of abused, neglected and abandoned children.