In another example of our children teaching us more than we could ever teach them, Scarlet shares this simple, powerful message for the road we currently walk.
Reading Matthew 8 in verses 28-34 Jesus drives out demons…
The town then asked Jesus to leave. When I read that I was very confused because who in the world would ask Jesus to leave? And why would they ask Him to leave??
When Jesus performed the miracles described in Matthew 8:28-34, the town was shaken, a normal way of life was disrupted and they asked Him to leave.
When we become comfortable living life we don’t want it changed. But when Jesus is in the mix He wants to disrupt us for good.
We were never meant to stay in a certain place and become comfortable but rather to be moving closer to Jesus and experiencing the life He gives us, no matter what the “normal” looks like.
In this season we are in, we want our normal back. We are all tired of wearing a mask, ready to have a normal shopping day, not be limited on activities, and just live our old normal life.
God disrupted our towns for good, so do not ask Him to leave. Don’t beg for our normal back because God promises us that the best is in what is to come, not in what we used to have.
More now than ever, we have been able to know God in a more personal way.
Our living rooms have become rooms of worship. We have had intentional quiet time, time for growth, many hours of prayer, and being in community with the people closest to us.
Now I am like you, I want normal life back. But think of all that this town in Matthew missed out on because they asked Jesus to leave so that they could have their normal again.
We are living in a disrupted “normal” but Jesus is still here with us working and wanting you to live abundantly. Don’t miss out on it.