A Life Changed: Melissa Beasley

As I write this, I am filled with so many emotions and memories. But my story will never truly be mine. God is the author, and by Him I can share it.

I was brought to Big Oak Girls’ Ranch with my sister Brittany when I was 13 years old. I was a little girl who faced hurt and loss. I faced circumstances that made me fearful of trusting others and starved of love. However, I was utterly amazed at what I saw. From the first day I walked through the doors to the memories I now reflect on, I will always call the Ranch home.

I received the same 4 promises as every child before me, “I love you, I will never lie to you, I will stick with you until you’re grown, and there are boundaries.” To this day, the truth in those words still resonates with me.

I was placed into an amazing house with parents that made it a home. Darin and Lisa Moseley, who I still call Dad and Mom, showed me love that I had never experienced before. They were a true example of the impact God makes in a life surrendered to Him. Through Dad’s example, I was able to see how a man is supposed to love and lead his wife, as he submits to the leadership of Christ. Through Mom, I saw an example of a wife who respected and confidently submitted to the loving leadership of her husband. Above all, I saw an incredible example of how to parent well.

A year after I came to the Ranch, God transformed my heart, and Dad baptized me. Two years later, God called me to the mission field. Although Mom and Dad were apprehensive, they allowed me to go to Honduras, Germany, Austria, and Romania to share the Gospel. Then in 2011, I graduated high school and in 2016, I became the first in my family to graduate college.

To tell you the entire story God has gifted me with would take more coffee and time than we have right now. Because of servant-hearted stewards of the Ranch, I am able to be where God wants me to be, serving alongside Aaron, my loving husband of 4 years, and raising our 3-year-old son and 1-year-old daughter. I am blessed beyond words and filled with anticipation because I know that the story will continue as God leads.

Though my childhood was difficult, I would not trade it for another because it was my broken past that led me to the Ranch. God has rewritten my story through the sacrifice of my aunt, the faithfulness of the Croyle family, the perseverance of the houseparents, and willingness of the donors. Because of the Ranch, my son and daughter will have a childhood full of bedtime stories and good night kisses. They will always know that they are loved by imperfect parents, but more importantly loved by a perfect Father.

Thank you for breaking the cycle and for giving me a chance!