A Life Changed: Dominic McMath

Dominic McMath, a former resident of Big Oak Boys’ Ranch, recently shared a Father’s Day tribute to his housedad.

And now, as we prepare for a new school year, it’s especially fitting to share Dominic’s journey to becoming a teacher.

“Like most young men growing up, I wanted to play professional sports. Due to high school experiences and a major medical surgery, I put that dream down and, instead, decided that I would pursue a different professional goal that also offered great financial opportunity. I chose to attend college and to major in biomedical sciences. After a few years, I realized that my heart wasn’t in it…and I really didn’t like blood.

It wasn’t until I was helping my little brother with his math homework one day that I contemplated the idea of becoming a math teacher. It was a day when I discovered my purpose, and now I serve as a high school math and computer science teacher.

Often, I think about the teachers who have changed the trajectory of my life. My 3rd grade teacher, someone who took the time to help me learn to read when many others ignored the obstacles surrounding me. When I moved to the Ranch, my Big Oak family not only believed in me and my potential, but helped me to believe the same. For the first time in our academic experiences, Big Oak placed my brother Anthony and me in regular classes as they saw to the root of our struggles and equipped us to succeed. The teachers at Westbrook Christian joined Big Oak in encouraging and challenging us and, as a result, we began to thrive.

My most memorable teacher was Mrs. Tee Croyle, my high school math teacher. She was such a kind-hearted and compassionate teacher. We always knew that she really cared about us and wanted us all to do great things. Math became incredibly easy for me, and I was sometimes allowed to sit right next to Mrs. Croyle’s desk. I always told everyone it was because I was her favorite, but she may have said it was because I talked way too much and was a distraction to others. Of course, I like my assumption better. I was truly blessed to learn from her. God used her strong influence as, ultimately, one of the confirming moments in my path to becoming a math teacher. While in college, I even did my observation hours in the classroom with Mrs. Croyle, and, in my eyes, she was still the best teacher that anyone could have. The partnership between Big Oak and Westbrook Christian truly provides strong educational footing for those who need a chance. Even my houseparents, Mike and Paige Tucker, were teachers. As I reflect, I’m certain that I was meant to be an educator because everyone with great influence in my life served in that way.

The best teachers have a desire to change the world, one student at a time. Growing up at the Ranch really taught me so much about people and understanding their circumstances. Being raised alongside kids from very diverse backgrounds has enabled me as a teacher to build successful relationships with my students. My goal is to build those same positive connections among my students and to show them that they can be successful no matter where they come from in life. I use my story as an example to help motivate and encourage them as they walk through their high school years, and in doing so, they know I’m someone who would do anything to help them. It’s an effort that led to one of my greatest professional accomplishments – earning Teacher of the Year. 

Teachers don’t just teach. They are sometimes the mothers, fathers, mentors and advocates a child desperately needs. At Big Oak Ranch, I was welcomed into a family united by something much greater than blood. I strive to carry that into my classroom, and I hope that I am instilling the same values in my students as Big Oak instilled in me. 

Thank you for helping me learn to teach.” 

Mr. McMath