One boy's journey to understanding the Good News

Newfound freedom has come to 8 of our children so far this year as they have entered into a relationship with Christ!

In light of the transformations taking place within our homes, one of our boys took initiative to outwardly express his own inward transformation as he discovered an understanding of the Gospel.

It took me a while to write this because I didn’t know how to put it into words. I have always believed in God but I’ve never really been close to Him until I came to the Ranch. I have always had Jesus as a side priority because I felt that He didn’t have time for my life…I didn’t truly understand God’s love for me until now…Jesus means I have a future. Jesus means I have hope. Jesus means I am not a mistake. Jesus means I am wanted. Jesus means I am loved. Jesus means there is a place for me in this world and in Heaven. Jesus means I am okay….Jesus is there front and center when I feel alone or excluded. Even at my worst, I know that Jesus still has me in His hands which means things aren’t as bad as they could be, things will get better and I’m still better off than some. What better feeling can you have than to know that the Creator of every single thing you see, touch or smell is right by your side protecting you.

This Good News is sweeping through our homes, ushering in healing and restoring brokenness. This is why we exist. This is why we will never relent in our mission. Because of this boy. And his future wife. And his future children. And his future grandchildren. Because of each child just like this boy. Through the freedom they discover, the pain of the past will not take captive the generations to come.

Thank you for joining with us to build up the family here at Big Oak and across the country. Your fingerprints are not only etched upon the stories of more than 2,000 children who have called Big Oak home or the 2,691 children served through Planting Oaks in 2021 — but on this boy’s life and his future.