As we celebrate Easter, we see the life of Jesus mirrored upon every single moment we experience at Big Oak. The moments of growth and joy, even doubt and setbacks, all shepherding us to see Him present and alive, within our lives and our children’s. Because of His death, burial and resurrection, our children are gifted a future that can never be taken away. Because of this gift, our children get to know a love that is pure and unconditional. It’s this love that allows Big Oak Ranch to reach the children who need a chance; a chance to know Jesus.
A pastor shared a very interesting perspective on the resurrection of Christ, specifically from John 20. He spoke of how Mary Magdalene and some of the disciples went to the tomb finding the cloth that covered Jesus’ face folded and set to the side, unlike the rest of His grave clothes which were thrown aside. He then began to elaborate on why this seemingly simple act, the folding of the facecloth, was an amazing reminder that He is faithful to His promises.
When having dinner, Hebrew tradition called for Jewish masters to have their servants prepare the table. The table was set perfectly, just as the master wanted it, and the servant would wait and watch, daring not touch the table until the master was finished. If the master was done eating, he would rise from the table, wipe his fingers, his mouth, clean his beard, and wad up the napkin and toss it onto the table. The servant would then know to clear the table. The wadded napkin meant, “I’m done.” But if the master got up from the table, folded his napkin, and laid it beside his plate, the servant would not dare touch the table, because the folded napkin meant, “I’m not done!”
Recently, we have experienced the outcome of Jesus folding the facecloth. We have seen firsthand the joy of the empty tomb, as one of our girls received salvation and was baptized, wrapped in love and celebration, at the Girls’ Ranch Lake. We have heard the eternal echo of the resurrection, as one of our boys was baptized at his church and then held in the open arms of his Big Oak family. Their baptisms, showing the relationship they now have with Jesus Christ, also reminds us of the truth that His death, burial, and resurrection declares “I’m not done!” to the entirety of our children’s lives and to their future families. This is the hope so many of our children now live within. This is the hope they have chosen to build the foundation of their lives upon. The hope of the resurrection; the hope of the folded facecloth.