Bridging Gaps

Hurting children all across this country have been the direct recipients of your commitment and determination to bridge a gap that will live for years to come.

Addition is taking place at Big Oak in order to serve even more children. Generation-shifting impact is taking place in our homes. Our young adults are stepping into ASCEND and embracing their purpose, growing into the godly men and women they were created to be. Former residents are leading thriving families of their own. And, we are actively multiplying impact nationwide through Planting Oaks by resourcing and equipping like-minded individuals and established ministries in their efforts to provide loving, long-term, Christian homes for children in need.

Each of these results began as a gap revealed to us through the Holy Spirit. They were not only gaps revealed but gaps we were instructed to bridge. And, as we begin the journey together through a new year, we remember that bridging gaps (also known as achieving goals) much like the culture of an organization or a family, either happens by default or by design.

May we choose design – the intentional and determined effort to spend time in prayer asking the Holy Spirit to reveal gaps around us, gaps within us and to guide our focus in filling them. If we are going to do something it should be to the glory of God who deserves our best effort, so let’s commit to asking Him to show us the growth necessary to get there – spiritually, personally and in the work we are called to do. Let’s write down the instruction He gives, and then go so far as to sign what we write, placing it somewhere visible to keep accountability top of mind. Let’s prioritize the healthy habits that will give us the courage, energy and commitment to bridge the gaps revealed, and let’s live unafraid of what it might require of us. Throughout this year, the temptation will come to embrace the urgent, flashy or easy but let’s hold tight to the important.

Keep planting,

Brodie Croyle

President & CEO, Big Oak Ranch