4 Promises from God for Parents

There are so many wonderful times as a parent, new revelations, refocused perspectives, and among the greatest are the moments when God reveals just how much He loves us through the depth in which we can love our children.

When we welcome new children to Big Oak, we make them the same four promises that have resounded for 44 years – We love you. We’ll never lie to you. We’ll stick with you until you’re grown. There are boundaries, don’t cross them. I am reminded that these are not our promises, they are God’s promises to all of His people, and they resound for every Christian parent in the fight to raise godly children. He loves us so much that He sent a Savior to make a way to Heaven, not because He couldn’t spend eternity without us, but because He didn’t want to. He’s incapable of offering anything but Truth, it’s against His nature and His name. There is not a moment when He is unavailable or disinterested. Just as parents always think of their kids as the small children who completely captivated their hearts, so God sees us as the ones He knew before we were born. The God-breathed words of scripture teach us boundaries and consequences, not because God is a dictator, but because He doesn’t want us to see defeat and destruction but rather a life of freedom and impact.

In the moments of life when we fail and struggle, may we let our children see it instead of hiding behind the burden of always having to seem perfect. May we let them see that we are human, but that we’re fighting the good fight. It’s then, they’ll realize they’re not alone in their fight. The worst image we can paint for our kids is one that we are always above the valleys of life. Just as we make four foundational promises to the children who call Big Oak home and strive to live those out daily, if they never see us struggle and watch God pull us up, how will they ever believe God will do it for them.

What a blessed life and great responsibility to offer this Gospel love to our children.