I had a recent conversation with one of our college girls who’s been in the workforce for about a year. I asked her how everything was going with her job, and she began to tell me about her rigorous schedule, waking up at 2:00am to be at work by 3:00am and then a full, busy day ahead. She continued by saying, “Although it’s paying the bills, I don’t love where I’m at right now, BUT I’m focused on the career ahead and know I will fill the role I’m ultimately working toward.” As I began to praise her and tell her how proud we are, she looked at me very perplexed as if maybe I missed some very important details. She asked, “But I just said I don’t like my job, why are you proud?” I could tell she was half joking and half seriously wondering why I seemed to find joy in her pain. I began to share with her the wisdom I see in her perspective, that she’s identified the end goal and the steps required to achieve it. And, most of all, that she has displayed strength and resolve as the journey is proving difficult.
One of the greatest problems in today’s culture is that we forego commitment for options. There are some options that can be good, God-sent intervention that is meant to be a blessing. But sometimes, our view of always having other options keeps us from fighting through hard times. When a high school student quits job after job never considering longevity and experience can be a great benefit for college applications and a future career. When a young college graduate tires of “paying the dues” required to grow into a well-rounded leader in their profession. When a husband and wife give up on a 20-year marriage because circumstances became difficult and grace ran short. We live in a safe reality that if we don’t enjoy what we are doing at the moment, we can’t see past the tree in front of us to the vast forest behind it. The trek up the mountain will sometimes require us to do things in which we might not immediately see fruit.
You’re helping us raise a generation at Big Oak who embodies persistence and perseverance, kids who are willing to endure the hard times to reach an ultimate destination. May it encourage each of us as husbands, wives and parents to not fall into the illusion of options. May we carry inside of us unwavering perspective and commitment.