Serve and Pour...Watch God Work

This past summer, we welcomed an intern onboard who from the moment we met, I could tell carried natural, God-given ability to lead simply by the unique passion in which he pursues Christ at an age very difficult for young men to do so. He came to me one day seeking ideas for how he could offer the most value and make the greatest impact during his time at Big Oak. I told him it is simple – serve. Then, when you get the opportunity, pour into people. Even if blocked, serve and pour again. I encouraged him to intentionally and consistently look for ways to plug in and build relationships with staff and children, knowing he had everything it took to do so, he just needed direction on opportunities. I casually suggested the idea of offering a swim night once a week at the Boys’ Ranch so that houseparents would have some time to themselves, to prepare dinner, whatever they needed to do. Instead of offering swim night once a week, he offered it every single night. By doing this, he built a special relationship with two young boys in particular.

One night, he took those two brothers to a movie and as they were walking out of the theater and getting back into the car, the two boys asked, “What’s different about you?” In that moment, God gave this willing young man the opportunity he’d been praying for. He got to explain his devotion to Jesus and how it has transformed his perspective of the usefulness of his life. Right there in the car, those two young boys who came from a severely broken home, prayed to accept Christ and His calling on their lives. The ultimate mission of Big Oak Ranch.

God has revealed Himself at Big Oak in so many ways recently that have been completely unexpected and many times have left us at a loss for words. Each of these moments involves people that have stepped in with unique abilities and unmatched passion to serve our children and promote the Hope being proclaimed from this ministry. May this be a reminder to us all that God will honor willingness and relentless passion in serving Him. He will honor our stepping out in faith and into the arena, fully obedient to His call.